Quick creation
of products based on robotic systems.

We specialize in R&D pertaining to robotics, space technic and transport.

We are a small team, brought together by a aspiration for technical perfection.

It is important for us that the project inspires and spark up conquests in reaching new heights. If You share our passion - we are both going the same way.

Our experience in robotics:

  • agrobots - 1 project;
  • inspection robots - 6 projects;
  • unmanned rovers and assistants - 3 projects;
  • automated crane systems - 3 projects;
  • robots for maintenance of industrial equipment - 3 projects;
  • disinfection robots - 4 projects;
  • modules for industrial robots - 1 project.

Our experience in space engineering:

  • modeling of an small-lift rocket - 1 project;
  • launch device (deployer) for satellites - 1 project;
  • landers - 2 projects;
  • microsatellites and drones - 5 projects;
  • systems for testing and experiments - 3 projects;
  • orbital laboratories - 2 projects;
  • lunar rover chassis - 1 project.

One of our satellites is already in space :)

Our experience in vehicle design.

  • automotive design of an all-terrain vehicle - 3 projects;
  • scenarios and models of movement, experiments - 9 projects;
  • unmanned aircraft - 1 project;
  • water vehicles - 2 projects;
  • unmanned ground logistics system - 2 projects;
  • engine parts - 2 projects;
  • functional modules for all-terrain vehicles - 5 projects;
  • crawler drive of the all-terrain vehicle - 1 project.

Engineering consulting

Our services can be provided as technical or engineering consulting. This option suits You if Your team needs temporary but strong addition with engineering, innovative and analytical skills.

We provide engineering consulting in the areas which are field-specific to us:

  • robots, control and inspection devices;
  • control and operation of mechanisms, automation of production;
  • creation of space technology (small satellites and rovers, ballistics and orbital motion);
  • laboratory and testing facilities;
  • development of concepts of vehicles (all-terrain vehicles and special machinery) and unmanned vehicles.

If Your task matches with our areas of competence or has some relation to it, let's discuss the possibility of its implementation.

Variants of cooperation



If you are a startup or a technical company, you can address us to develop a certain solution or order a search of opportunities for Your product's expansion / optimization / automation within a given thematic area.



If you are an investor, we can find and offer a perspective idea for launching a joint venture startup in the theme/realm of ​interest you have chosen.

The way we work


Wherever our client is, we are available for everybody, as we have already accumulated profound experience in distant work.


Still, if Your project requires us to be present, You can rely on our team, - within Europe its members' relocation is possible.

Our contacts

Let's create an amazing cutting-edge Product!

Tell us what Your business needs, and we will offer You our ideas and realisation strategies.
