About our projects in robotics

The main goal of our solutions is to remove a human being from a hazardous production area or from any area with unfavorable working conditions. That is why the main products we produce are various inspection robots. We are also developing thematic projects for agricultural complexes, construction industry, logistics centers.

Research, development and production of robots for inspection of vertical metal surfaces

A remotely controlled magnetic wheeled robot of a special design makes movement on vertical and horizontal metal surfaces possible . Design features are meant to assist in overcoming metal obstacles on its way.

The robot performs visual inspection (via video cameras) and carries sensors for flaw detection (checking the thickness of the protective coat and the presence of rust).

The robot is well suited to survey industrial metal tanks. Its modernization is possible, i. e. the addition of a software and hardware complex for building a 3d map of an object under study, which includes designation of detected defects.

articulated robot
magnetic robot for metal walls
inspection robot with magnetic wheels

Research, development and production of wheeled and tracked inspection robots

Compact inspection robots allow visual inspection of hard-to-reach cavities or facilities, including those flooded with water. Our assortment presents modifications for various geometric parameters of the objects under study, which list devices for narrow spaces with turns and those for spaces with a low height.

In order to move in basements or drainage collectors flooded with water, robots are equipped with grouser wheels, - the latter allow a vehicle to move on viscous coatings with obstacles.

We also make tracked robots to move on surfaces with a big number of obstacles on the floor . Such scheme allows them to effectively overcome wide obstructions and stairs. The configuration and shape of the tracks are developed individually for specific tasks (i. e. operating conditions, surface materials, pollution).

technical vision system for object recognition
wheeled inspection robots
testing of a crawler robot in the sand

Research and development of a robotic system for growing and harvesting tomatoes

The project solves an issue of difficult working conditions for people in greenhouses who grow and harvest vegetables with a high level of ripeness ( in cases when hand-harvesting and packaging in individual containers for retail sale is required).

We developed the concept of a robot based on the results of a detailed study, which tackled an issue of a real activity management in greenhouses. The main element is a set of replaceable function modules placed on a collaborative manipulator sliding on a movable chassis.

To work with tomatoes growing in clusters, we designed a special end-module with gripper and cutter, which is equipped with means for preliminary ripeness checking . In addition to this we implemented a demo version of software with a neural network . It recognizes shoot growing points on the bush in order to cut them off during the growing process.

To increase the speed capability of the robot, we have developed special equipment for "vertical farming" ( aka automated greenhouses). It is the combination of this greenhouse scheme and a robotic complex that allows you to effectively solve all the tasks of growing and harvesting. As a result, we get 85% automation, including automation of packing and palletizing operations.

the neural network recognizes the growth points of shoots on the stem
grab with sensors for picking tomatoes
robot for automated tomato harvesting

Development of the wheeled shuttles concept for plant maintenance

The territories of manufacturing facilities belonging to mining or industrial enterprises are large. To solve the task of delivering small cargoes with laboratory samples/tests/spare parts, employees tend to cover the distances either on foot or by car. We have developed a concept of medium-sized unmanned electric vehicles for the transfer of such goods, capable of operating even during snowy winters.

The concept of using this type of shuttle suggests creation of an information system that will process applications for the delivery of goods and form traffic routes automatically.

Development of the crane robotization system concept

In order to perform installation or repair work in the most remote areas, it is necessary to send all the necessary specialists and operator technicians on the spot, even though their actual working time is going to be several hours, while the total duration of the trip will drag on for several days or weeks. We have worked out a concept of fitting some types of technics with remote semi-automatic control systems to optimize such problems.

This option allows a crane operator to work with machinery remotely via a satellite Internet channel. The technical complex includes sensors aimed on monitoring the crane's condition, its load, and spatial position of its elements. The movement of the crane and cargo in relation to other objects on the work site is monitored via external sensors and the computer vision system.

The second variant of this system involves combining cranes into a group with a common control unit. In this case the software package controls each crane separately to ensure the correct spatial position of a cargo being transferred.

search for a solution for moving heavy pipe fragments over a large excavation
the control scheme of the crane from an external remote control
the scheme of scanning the area to build a digital map

Developing the concept of the remote control system for the bridge crane complex

Some enterprises face the problem of machinery's low time load while operating bridge cranes, at the same time the number of such cranes in one company can be quite big.

The option of placing such cranes within one territory implies using remote control (in order to spare the crane operator from taking a lift to a cabin), so that one person could be able to perform a single loading operation without wasting time. We came up with a solution to equip the crane with technical means of visual control, and simultaneously fit remote controls with augmented reality systems to simplify operator's work process. Analysis of images received from several cameras provides data for calculating the position of the supporting augmented reality elements.

It is advisable to equip a stationary operator's workplace for remote control cranes if You place such cranes at different enterprises or deal with cranes and territories, which are rather big in size. In this case, an augmented reality system is used again, just the monitors are substantially larger. This solution increases the operator's angle of view and boosts safety.

remote control of the crane
augmented reality system for crane operator
stationary workplace for remote control of the crane

Research and development of cabling robots

Temporary communication cables routing in the ceiling space may be necessary at the stages of repairing the main standard communication lines or in case of damage their.

We have developed a special design for a remotely controlled robot to tackle these issues. Its construction is optimized for moving on surfaces and edges inside a limited ceiling space in order to pull a temporary cable there. The robot does not get stuck when passing a thin vertical edge, and its design provides contact with the surface to all wheels at the moment of overcoming the obstacle.

the geometry of the robot allows it to be turned over during movement
wheeled robot for cable pulling on a suspended ceiling
all terrain wheeled robot for visual inspection

Research and development of a robot for metal tanks cleaning and painting

This is a type of a large magnetic robot that provides controlled movement on the metal walls surfaces (which are normally industrial tanks) and can carry heavy equipment and massive high-pressure hoses. It allows you to replace industrial climbers, and therefore reduce the cost of work.

The robot equipment allows You to clean surfaces from dirt and old paint, and lets You paint them over again. This is made possible by robot's ability to move heavy high-pressure hoses which are connected to ground equipment.

The list of cleaning technologies includes special options for soft abrasive blasting without dust (where only particles of the removed coating remain, which makes it a perfect replacement for sandblasting).

Research and development of an office robot with air disinfection function

With the advent of «covid-19» there emerged a need for air disinfection in office and exhibition premises. The mobile decontamination system can be used as a complement to stationary cleaning systems.

We developed the concept of an autonomous office robot with a built-in ultraviolet disinfector through which the surrounding air is driven. Since the specifics of the robot imply that it's prescribed specifically for exhibition and business premises, the design and convenient control interface (for determining the route of movement or obtaining reference information) become an important element.

We consciously retained the ability to interact with the interface and display all information along the route. This information is directed straight on the front panel of the robot through large displays. This is done to affect the way our robot is perceived by visitors to business events, where the robot itself becomes the object of exposure.

Research, development and production of an office robot for decontamination of premises

We have developed a disinfection robot to sanitize in the office space. The robot combines two functional options.

The robot performs only air filtration and its UV treatment if people are currently working in the office space.

If the room is currently without people the robot performs a complete disinfection of the space using a retractable module with UV lamps. Their 360-degrees disinfection allows you to treat not only the surfaces of walls and doors, but also the working surfaces of tables, computers and other objects.

This robot concept is most relevant, since ultraviolet radiation is efficient in killing most bacteria and viruses. Stationary UV lamps in the room can't provide full light exposure of all objects, and a large number of them will affect the appearance of the room rather negatively. The mobile robot effectively solves this problem, as it allows You to perform UV sanitizer of the majority of items in the office space, including those that are obscured from ceiling lamps.

Variants of cooperation



If you are a startup or a technical company, you can address us to develop a certain solution or order a search of opportunities for Your product's expansion / optimization / automation within a given thematic area.



If you are an investor, we can find and offer a perspective idea for launching a joint venture startup in the theme/realm of ​interest you have chosen.

Our robotic projects portfolio

  • R&D of an agricultural robot for automated tomato growing and harvesting
  • R&D and manufacturing of robots designed to move and examine vertical metal surfaces
  • R&D and production of wheeled inspection robots for movement in confined spaces with submersion under water
  • R&D and production of compact tracked inspection robots
  • Development of the wheeled shuttles' concept for plant maintenance
  • Research and design of compact inspection robots
  • Development of the crane robotization system concept
  • Development of the remote control system concept for the bridge cranes complex
  • R&D of cabling robots
  • R&D of robots for cleaning and painting of the metal tanks
  • R&D and production of an office robot featuring air disinfection function
  • R&D and production of an office robot for sanitising premises
  • Laying out a concept-design of a warehouse disinfection robot
  • R&D of a robotic monorail system
  • Developing a concept of a functional module for a cobot (aimed on maintenance of the machine tool)

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